Swan Housing Dissatisfied Resident

Saturday, 10 September 2011


Swan Housing exmouth estate lift has been vandalized -this is due to the inner lobby lift door being left permanently opened by Swan Housing .It is accessible to at least 6 other entrances and exits and for this reason Swan Housing needs to reactivate it and render it accessible only with a fob. Swan Housing is aware that the lift is used as a urinal and are doing nothing to stop it . Swan Housing should alternatively put a CCTV in front of the lift door to deter vandals and ASB

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Swan Housing,we want a lift not toilet !

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate refuse to tackle the ASB of urinating in the lift head on and continue to leave the inner lobby of the lift deactivated . They refuse to put a CCTV camera just outside the lift door even though this ASB has been ongoing for 5 years. They claim the residents would not want to pay the extra charge of running the CCTV. But we are paying for another CCTV just yards away -the running costs would be no different to view the lift entrance on the same monitor.


Swan Housing Exmouth Estate has done nothing to resolve the problem of urinating in the lift for nearly 5 years now. They refuse to put a CCTV in front of the lift door nor do they reactivate the inner lift lobby entrance door.Swan Housing are reminded that this is a serious breach in the Health and Safety regulations

Sunday, 26 June 2011


Swan Housing Association Ltd Exmouth Estate's stairwells are remain slippery and flooded even in dry weather  because of a primitive system of directing rainwater from the roof directly onto the stairwells. Swan Housing should be well aware of the Health and Safety risks involved and that old people especially are very vulnerable. Swan Housing Exmouth Estate had better put their residents first for a change !

Sunday, 12 June 2011


Swan Housing Exmouth Estate has installed a CCTV in Musbury Street to be paid for by us residents supposedly to protect us from vandalism yet is not able to uncover the perpetrator who has constantly been damaging the 6-61 Musbury Street entrance door situated just under the CCTV camera. What a farce . IS SWAN HOUSING EXMOUTH ESTATE REALLY INTERESTED IN PROTECTING THE ESTATE FROM VANDALISM ? OR IS IT USING THE CAMERA FOR ITS OWN PURPOSES? MAYBE TO SPOT UNAUTHORISED VEHICLES PARKED UP IN THE ESTATE AND HAVE THEM TOWED AWAY AND COLLECT HEFTY FINES . ALL AT OUR EXPENSE. IF THIS IS THE CASE IT MEANS THAT WE ARE PAYING FOR SURVEILLENCE WHICH ENRICHES SWAN HOUSING'S COFFERS. A SCANDAL.

SWAN HOUSING EXMOUTH ESTATE'S diabolical barrier doorstop

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate's doorstop was originally right in the middle of a very narrow pavement ready to trip unsuspecting residents but after formal complaints they moved it to the top of the doorframe -that was the best achievement of Swan Housing's until Swan decided to erect the barrier in this already extremely narrow entrance lobby. Some nights when the entrance gets congested with parked cars residents have to carry their pushchairs above their heads because the narrow pavement is now blocked by the barrier . Once a week Swan Housing put their refuse bins on the narrow pathway designated for pedestrians so that residents have to risk stepping in the pathway of crazy young drivers who tear down Musbury Street and want to park up in a hurry. Swan Housing had better start putting the convenience of residents as first priority.

Friday, 27 May 2011


Watch this video to see how a complaint against Swan Housing Exmouth Estate was dealt with by the Housing Ombudsman Service also known as the Independent Housing Ombudsman and judge for yourself . To make matters worse one of the directors of the Housing Ombudsman Service is a Chair of a Swan Housing committee. Check out the following website :

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


Swan Housing fire shrouded in mystery. Read about Swan Housings role in this controversial fire and reach your own conclusions.

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate lift STILL awash with urine 4 May 2011

This clip is a sequel to the previous one "Swan Housing lift awash with urine" -Swan Housing Exmouth Estate are nowhere near solving this Health and Safety issue as of todays date 4 May 2011

Swan Housing lift still wallowing in urine 5 May 2011

This video is a sequel to a previous video " Swan Housing lift wallowing in urine" and shows that Swan Housing are nowhere near solving this Health and Safety problem that has afflicted us for the past 4 years

Thursday, 28 April 2011

SWAN HOUSING EXOMOUTH ESTATE urine ordeal continuing

This problem with Swan Housing's exmouth estate lift in Musbury Street lift has been ongoing for 4 years so Swan Housing must be doing something wrong ! Other lifts are not affected like this one so I think Mamakupucho is right and the problem is connected with the lift lobby door in Musbury Street being deactivated -Swan has left it in this state for 4 years I believe

Sunday, 24 April 2011


Swan Housing Exmouth Estate's lift is unsecured and so people use it as a urinal for the past 4 years. LBTH who was our previous landlord kept it locked at all times , accessible only to authorised residents with a swipe. Swan Housing Exmouth Estate must realize that it is a Health and Safety hazard.


Swan Housing Exmouth Estate seems to do nothing for the past 4 years to crack down on the perpetrator -for a start Swan Housing Exmouth Estate can start by securing the lift lobby itself by making it accessible with a swipe instead of leaving it open to all.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate-Thank you George Galloway for your Early Day Motion

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate along with three other RSLs were named and shamed by George Galloway in his Early Day Motion in parliment of 11 June 2009 as being among "the list of RSLs with which there is greatest dissatisfaction". George Galloway further urged that these RSLs be "more accountable directly to the residents and to the Councils within which they fall."
George Galloway thank your for your Early Day motion targeting Swan Housing and other RSLs

Friday, 25 February 2011

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate and the Independent Housing Ombudsman

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate can take liberties with impunity with its residents in the knowledge that most residents cannot afford the services of a good lawyer and that their only recourse is the Independent Housing Ombudsman , a voluntary organisation, which describes its remit as being limited, and whose decisions are left to the discretion of Swan Housing . Whether Swan Housing wants to comply with any decision is purely up to Swan Housing . Besides one of the directors of the Independent Housing Ombudsman is a Chair of a Swan Housing Comittee. Even if this gentleman has nothing to do with the adjudication of your case it is not an ideal situation. In other words Swan Housing is UNREGULATED !!!!!
Check this website :

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


Check out this highly controversial fire that originated in flats owned by Swan Housing and caused 90 persons to be evacuated. Check out the following website too for further information.


Sunday, 6 February 2011

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate -don't let this hoaxer fool you

When I posted a youtube video criticizing a dangerous doorstop put by Swan Housing in the Exmouth Estate , this hoaxer posted a video playing down the danger of the doorstop . Finally after an official complaint was made against Swan Housing but before it could reach the Ombudsman, Swan decided to remove the doorstop. It must have been dangerous after all because Swan Housing are not known to capitulate . Therefore this individual known as the Ladfrom Exmouth has been misleading the residents with his video which is still (as of this date) on Youtube.
Swan Housing Exmouth Estate -don't be fooled by this Lad

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Swan Housing's writer of praise videos.

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate seems to have an admirer who applauds Swan Housing's every move and lavishes Swan Housing with undeserved praise videos -the praise is so effusive that one cannot conceive of someone making almost 200 videos without remuneration. This man is not a satisfied Swan Housing Exmouth Estate resident as he pretends to be . His praises of Swan Housing Exmouth Estate don't sound natural but more like an advertisment. In fact it might even prove embarassing for Swan Housing.

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate's propagandist and hoaxer

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


See Swan Housing's maggots from Halstead up close -it is only by posting videos like this that I believe I can keep Swan Housing on their toes because they are publicity conscious -someone has to take a stand against them -nobody does where I live due to language barriers and fear of victimization.


Saturday, 8 January 2011

Thirty Swan Housing residents at Chelmer village furious with Swan's mismanagement

Not only do we residents of Swan Housing Exmouth Estate suffer at the hands of this indifferent registered social landlord called Swan Housing but others at Chelmer village are beginning to see Swan Housing in their true colours -indifferent to the plight of women and children who can barely afford to pay their inflated gas bills because of Swan Housing's reluctance to change the leaky, draughty, and mouldy windows. It is nice to see residents taking a stand against Swan Housing because where I live on the Exmouth Estate nobody wants to complain officially lest they get into the bad books with Swan Housing and the Estate OfficersThe residents of Swan Housing at Chelmer take a stand against Swan Housing

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate disgrace -George Galloway horrified

This video is an eyeopener for those intending to vote for Swan Housing Exmouth Estate to take over another Estate  in the Borough (God forbid). In 2009 George Galloway saw for himself the shocking state of maintainance of the Exmouth Estate under Swan Housing -250 broken windows left unrepaired , entrance doors damaged , scaffolding erected for prolonged periods of time but not in use , widespread vandalism due to what he describes as Swan Housing's negligence and mismanagement and failure to provide adequate support. Swan Housing Exmouth Estate Disgrace -Galloway shocked and horrified

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate Disgrace -George Galloways comments

Read George Galloways frank and scathing comments in Socialist Unity about Swan Housing Exmouth Estate's mismanagement . We should be made aware of past precedents of Swan Housing and should think twice before voting them in again.
Swan Housing Exmouth Estate disgrace by George Galloway

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Swan Housing indifferent treatment towards woman with multiple sclerosis in methane scare

Swan Housing seemed indifferent towards the plight of a middle aged women with multiple sclerosis with three children who complained of strange smells emanating from the sink -instead of getting to the bottom of the problem rightaway they asked the women to pour bleach into the sink. Swan Housing had better change its work ethic -it is not good enough.  In all the scrapes Swan Housing has been in never have I heard Swan Housing ever admitting liability for anything. Swan very often quotes other people as saying the problem doesn't exist but never are we the residents shown formal copies of letters from these so-called experts or specialists corroborating Swan Housing's claims.
Swan Housing keeps woman with multiple sclerosis waiting one month to take remedial action