Swan Housing Dissatisfied Resident

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Swan Housings danger to life and limb doorstop removed

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate's doorstop which was located in a very narrow concave pavement and was liable to trip us each time we trod on it has finally been removed. Swan Housing was adamant that it presented only minimal risk but as an official complaint drew nearer to the Ombudsman Swan Housing decided to quickly get rid of it instead of being ordered to do so by the Ombudsman. SWAN HOUSING EXMOUTH ESTATE'S DANGEROUS DOORSTOP REMOVED

Monday, 27 December 2010


The lady in Swan Housing's Halstead home had to suffer the indignity of having maggots crawling all over her home -was the home properly maintained by Swan Housing ???


Swan Housing Dissatisfied Residents at Chelmer village

Swan Housing is landlord of this Estate in Chelmer village whose houses are only 10 years old and suffer from mould , damp and leaks from the windows. The residents complained repeatedly to Swan Housing who messed them about for a long time with cheap stop-gap solutions. Meanwhile the residents where paying out huge sums in gas bills while Swan Housing was stalling for time.


Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Swan Housing in controversy over fire safety check after fire in Bockingham Green

In November 2009 a fire gutted some homes owned by Swan Housing in Bockingham Green . Despite the findings Swan Housing insisted it had carried out all the safety checks . Read the article and reach your own conclusions !!!!http://www.basildonrecorder.co.uk/news/5036766.Housing_estate_did_not_get_fire_safety_check_until_after_blaze/

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Is Swan Housing really the "worst Housing Association" ?

Read the comments posted on INSIDE HOUSING of a person by the pseudonym of SR dated 12/11/2009 at 9:15 pm regarding shared ownership . I quote what he said , word for word. His comment about Swan Housing is the seventh from the top. He says,
"However though I must disagree with Derrick on one thing; that Shepherds Bush are the worst HA.(Housing Association). That honour must surely go to Swan Housing."
Is Swan Housing really that bad ?????

Swan Housing Group demolition allegedly caused damage to neigboubring properties

An interesting article about the Swan Housing Group's workers allegedly causing "cracks in walls and smashed windows" to residents' houses in the Five Links Estate , Basildon .

Swan Housing Group's crane barred from worksite by residents

Swan Housing Group maggots infest home in Halstead

Check how a Swan Housing Group home was infested by maggots and make sure to view the picture of the maggots .
Up to her Swan Housing Group home in maggots

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Swan Housing leave their residents cold in Chelmer village

Residents of Swan Housing in Chelmer village Essex petitioned Swan Housing to repair defective ,draughty ,leaky , and mouldy window panes which gave rise to enormous gas bills they could ill afford but Swan Housing , in typical Swan Housing style employed cheap stop-gap measures which haven't improved the residents' situation at all . Swan Housing's ability to postpone repairs for as long as possible has been honed in to a fine Swan Housing art. Swan Housing leave their residents cold

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

methane poisoning -landlord Swan Housing-told lady to pour bleach down drain to get rid of smell

This poor lady complaind for about a month to Swan Housing about a strange smell and that she had been feeling unwell before any action was taken - Swan Housing supposedly told her to pour bleach down the drains to get rid of the smell . Work is only now under way after she nearly died of methane poisoning. Poor old soul . SWAN HOUSING is disgusting !!!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Swan Housing -remember the Health and Safety act please !!!

Over the years we have observed how our landlord Swan Housing and its contractors are going about their work in blatant disregard of the Health and Safety act and have assiduously monitored some of the breaches with video footage . We remind them again that a smashed up window in a communal corridor must be boarded up to prevent youngsters from plunging to their deaths . Replacing the window a week afterwards is no good especially after we have also had to phone East End Advertiser who presumably tipped them off and warned Swan to repair the window immediately. Swan Housing you must either board up or repair smashed up windows immediately . This is not the firt time I have caught on video Swan Housing in blatant breach of the Health and safety act.

Swan Housing -remember the Health and Safety Act please !

Thank Swan Housing ? Swan Housing should thank us instead !!!!

We keep being bombard with hundreds and hundreds of promotion blogs on Youtube telling us we SWan Housing residents should thank Swan Housing for all the wonderful things they have done for us . This is not only boring but annoying and also devoid of any basis.
The Estate before Swan Housing was a lovely Estate -just a couple of broken windows (not 250 when Swan Housing took over !!!) . When Swan Housing took over in 2006, the Estate was smashed to smithereens because Swan Housng did not repair the main entrances most of which were open to all -then Swan Housing's regeneration costing £19,000,000 which we the leaseholders and tenants had to pay -not counting government grants.
So it is not we who should thank Swan Housing but Swan Housing who should thank us for financing this regeneration venture which has vamped up the value of the Estate and has paid all their management expenses as well as their crony building contractors.


Thank Swan Housing? Swan Housing should thank us !!!

Swan Housing Musbury Street lift covered in urine 7 Oct 2007

Swan Housing don't seem to distribute leaflets around the Estate threatening the perpetrators with legal action if they continue to urinate in the lift. Nor I nor my friends have received any such post from Swan Housing although I daresay we always receive post regarding how wonderful a landlord Swan Housing is and all the "wonderful" work they carry out . I myself at various meetings even before the regenetation with Swan Housing's top management staff pointed out that nothing has been done to stop the perpetrator from urinating in the lift . They seem to regard this matter as a non-priority . Again it seems that Swan Housing has some sort of complex which prevents it from sending out warning leaflets around the Exmouth Estate lest these generate adverse publicity for Swan Housing.

Swan Housing's lift covered in urine 7 Oct 2010

Swan Housing's roof bandits

Swan Housing does not seem to put measures in place to deter teenagers from climbing onto the roof and jumping from one building to the next thereby risking their lives. There is a metal ladder on the top floor which is easily accessible to all . The teenagers probably use this . I have not seen leaflets distributed around the Estate warning people not to climb on to the roof nor to use the metal ladder to accede to the roof. Swan Housing seems to be the direct opposite of LBTH. Whereas LBTH would distribute leaflets threatening court action or eviction Swan Housing seems to take the view that such leaflets only draw attention to the flaws in the Estate.
 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2h3IhK9At04Swan housing's roof bandits

Swan Housing's water torture

Swan Housing residents on the 3rd and 4th Floors of the Exmouth Estate suffered acute water stoppages between Dec 06 and April 07 . Despite complaining to Swan Housing our landlord no solution was found until we decided to take our complaints further and reported the matter to the East End Advertiser who ran an article about our ordeal . When Swan Housing became aware of this adverse publicity it started to mobilise all its resources to resolve the problem. Swan Housing had repeated blamed Thames Water for the stoppages but Thames carried out pressure tests outside our flat and confirmed that the water pressure they were providing was well above the statutory minimum . They also stated that their Victoria Mains Replacement works which was being carried out in the area began 3 months after we started reporting stoppages. They denied that the Victoria Mains Replacement project causes any major disruption to the water supply in any case. It subsequently turned out (from a Swan Housing Estate report)  that SWan housing was carrying out repairs to leaks within the Exmouth Estate which might have been causing the probems.
Swan Housing has never paid out compensation to date to any of the affected residents and adamantly blames Thames Water for the problems.
Swan Housing water torture in 2006-2007. I think this episode should never be forgotten

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Why did Swan Housing Exmouth Estate take 4 years to secure the Musbury Street Entrance ?

On the 7 Sep 2010 Swan Housing Exmouth Estate activated an iron gate at the Musbury Street entrance . Halleyluyah , why has it taken 4 years to secure the Musbury Street entrance ? For 4 whole years the entrance was devoid of any security whatsoever -during the first 2 years "vandals" entered the Estate through this same gate and smashed everything to pieces.  We the residents will be paying the costs when we receive the Section 20 final invoice. Why should we pay for the folly of Swan who left the Estate exposed to the "vandals" by not securing the entrance ? Watch my video .

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvAQjf3jsL8The wanton destruction of the Exmouth Estate through the indifference of Swan Housing

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Swan Housing Exmouth Estate Disgrace

Check out what George Galloway had to say about Swan Housing Exmouth Estate as well as what other readers of Socialist Unity have to say about Swan Housing Exmouth Estate.

Check out the following link to Social Unity.

http://www.socialistunity.com/?p=3936Swan Housing Exmouth Estate disgrace

How to complain to Swan Housing and the Ombudsman

How to complain to Swan Housing and the Ombudsman

Large numbers of Swan Housing residents and leaseholders are of ethnic origin and are therefore not familiar with the complaints process especially since English is not their first language . This blog is a guide for such people as well as for others who don't believe in complaining or only complain verbally hoping for the best. To achieve results with Swan Housing you must be prepared to make a formal complaint and if necessary to see it through all the way to the Ombudsman. Even then you cannot be sure to achieve your goal since Swan Housing have the benefit of solicitors to make their side of the argument look convincing.
Check out the following websiteHow to complain to Swan Housing and the OmbudsmanHow to complain to Swan Housing and the Ombudsman